This is Ricky, a 4 year old Yorkie. He loves being with his mom SO much, he decided to join me in the shower yesterday.
Shower power

This is Ricky, a 4 year old Yorkie. He loves being with his mom SO much, he decided to join me in the shower yesterday.
Berkley our 1 year old Westiepoo destroys her toys then cries about it.
I stole the big dog’s new bed.
I went and bought each dog a new, size appropriate bed, but Milo won’t stay out of this one.
Little known Yorkie Delicacy: Yucca Plant dirt. Best enjoyed when your mom won’t share her lunch with you.
“I got stuck in my toy while my mommy was ignoring me.” Then she took a picture before helping me get out!
I love to steal mommy’s ornaments when she’s in the middle of making a wreath so she’ll chase me around the house.
Howdy, I’m Lance!! My pals at Wagging Dog Rescue in Torrance, CA are helping me with my search, so please let them know when you’re ready for me to move in!! I’m a 6 pound Yorkshire Terrier / Chihuahua mix who gets blamed when elves hide all the toys in my crate. I get along with everyone – kids, dogs, cats, EVERYONE! I enjoy playing and cuddling too, and I’m looking for a responsible family to spend my first holiday with.
Bailey demands to be the center of attention at all times. Once she noticed that people were laughing at Cleo in “the little dog bed”, she rushed over and barked her out. This was the first time she had even looked at the bed in two years.
“I jump on Mommy’s head to get her out of bed in the morning! I’m so proud of myself when it works!!” Rodin says Hello from South Africa! and feels no shame at all.
One look and the naughty goes away. Unbelievable smiley face. Killer cute