I like to steal dishes out of my humans’ sink and smash them. But this time I smashed the crock pot. And I can make the most saddest guilty face ever so you can’t yell at me.
Crock Pot

I like to steal dishes out of my humans’ sink and smash them. But this time I smashed the crock pot. And I can make the most saddest guilty face ever so you can’t yell at me.
When I was a 5 months old, I ate several decent sized rocks and a bunch of tiny pebbels. It cost my mom and dad thousands of dollars in vet bills. People were scared of me because mom made me wear a muzzle on walks after that. -Sweet Pea
Cleveland’s dad took him duck hunting and he ran off and got sprayed by a skunk. Mom had to bathe him; this now makes his 3rd to remove the stench.
I left to go to dinner and decided to leave my Weimaraner, Lucy, and Mastiff/Pitt mix, Abby, out for the evening. When I got home, I was greeted by flour tracks all over my house, and Lucy’s teeth caked with flour paste. Abby was spotless, but Lucy was covered. I honestly don’t even know where she found the flour.
The picture says, “I ate half a bag of flour, and tracked the other half around the house. My mom had to scrape flour-paste out of my teeth. I’m not even sorry. <3 Lucy”
Ella is a big fan of stealing jackets when left alone. This time she got a little desperate and ripped the Canada Goose coat while on her quest for warmth.
Hank was upset that he wasn’t invited skiing with mommy and daddy so the next day, he ate mommy’s ski goggles!!!
“Is it hard to make the bed when I won’t move??”
Simon has always blessed us with the air from his bowels. But today he ripped a big one and walked out of the room. For this he must be shamed.
Mojo vs UPS man. UPS man won
I took the lid off and ate all the peanut butter cookies that my big brother Parker made! Winston the Weimaraner needs to cut down on his between meal snacks!