Mom wanted to sleep late on a lazy Sunday. I wasn’t so happy with this arrangement, so I pooped in her shoes.
I would NOT walk a mile in her shoes…

Mom wanted to sleep late on a lazy Sunday. I wasn’t so happy with this arrangement, so I pooped in her shoes.
Dan and Miranda Diaz were overjoyed when they found out they were expecting twins! Weimaraner Payton and pitbull Sox weren’t as thrilled.
Congrats from the dogshaming family to yours!
Ken doll was pronounced dead at the scene at 10:03 this morning. It was a gruesome murder!
Trying to defrost a chicken in the sink? Better put a pot over it. With a brick on top. Otherwise Basia will have herself a nice tasty treat. Gizzards, bag, popup timer and all.
“I accidently locked myself in the bathroom while my parents were at work and I panicked…” – Mister Biddies
Every now and again my Mom brings me home one of those huge, meaty dinosaur bones from the pet store. I think they cost like a million dollars or something. It takes me a whole 15 minutes to eat it and I know it makes everyone really happy because when I’m done they keep asking me “where it went” and “Did I eat the whole thing?”, just like they say to one of our littles when he eats his whole dinner. I’m so lucky because my Mom said she is taking out stock in the dinosaur bone company so that means she’ll bring them home all the time!
I left Miller in the kitchen for 2 minutes to bring in a bag of groceries from the car. Bad decision.
He decided to see what the movie tasted like. 🙁
Mom got in a car accident the night before, so I knew she was stuck on bed on the heating lad. i took that opportunity to make her confetti so we could celebrate!
Editor’s note: Dog Shaming is sending you well wishes! We’ve been there.
8 month old puppy shows her displeasure at one of the other dogs getting a turn by tearing up the RV.