Even with the cone of shame on, I still managed to get into the cat’s litter box and eat all of the poop 🙁
Even With The Cone Of Shame On I Still Managed To

Even with the cone of shame on, I still managed to get into the cat’s litter box and eat all of the poop 🙁
Came home and couldn’t find Addison’s food bowl…and then I found a million teeny tiny pieces of brown plastic.
Editor’s note: …and then I ate the bowl! (Canadian reference joke)
Aka and Emi—the loves of our lives. Thank you, Editor, for passing along the term ‘water yarfing’. It fits perfectly.
Editor’s note: seems like the term is catching on!
My name is Bogey. I let the cat clean my face. Should I be ashamed of proud?
My Mommy raced home from work to get me from the backyard because it started to pour rain. Even though I was in my dog house sleeping, she wanted me to be nice and warm. I ate her head rest to say “thank you”! Olive
If I can’t operate a camera, no one can!
Ed’s note: oh….my….god.
My Humans like to dress me up. I hate when they do that.
The irony is my human is a corrections officer.
BASON can’t get enough plastic!
We left for the evening and returned to Morty having shredded a magazine, box, and spread the down feathers from a pillow uniformly across the living room.