I rolled in fox poo now my mum is making me have a bath 🙁
I learned a new dance, it’s called the foxtrot

I rolled in fox poo now my mum is making me have a bath 🙁
This is Phife Dog.
He’s an 11 week old English Staffy. And like all staffies he loves to chew. Everything.
Naughty Doggy.
This is Amber, my staffordshire cross. She loves playing with my chickens and has never hurt any of them!
Wally’s newest trick for begging: staring at you upside down. Eventually, you will break down.
These adorable pups had a very rough start in life, but their luck turned around on Mother’s Day weekend when they were rescued from a Memphis, TN dumpster and are now with the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County. When found, they were emaciated (the smallest, Poe only weighing 2.8 pounds), had ticks, fleas, roundworms, Giardia, and Coccidia.
Look at them only 5 weeks later – happy, healthy pups ready to be adopted! These sweet babies are also smart; they learned how to sit in only 2 days and are well on their way to being housetrained. Like the sign says, “Will sit for kibble” and just about anything else.
May loves the taste of leather, apparently, judging from the number of shoes and belts we have lost to her.
Pretty much speaks for itself
We cooked steak on out NEW grill for dinner. Bishop didn’t get one single bite, so he “cleaned” off the juice I dripped on the wheel.
I was doing some work on the laptop one day and Cooper felt like he wasn’t getting enough attention; then this happened…