Supposedly, expensive Beats by Dre headphones taste good?! Now the cat can’t come and go when he pleases because the cat flap has been covered up!
That must be one big cat!

Supposedly, expensive Beats by Dre headphones taste good?! Now the cat can’t come and go when he pleases because the cat flap has been covered up!
Mom said God made me so cute so she wouldn’t kill me.
I love eating cat poop then trying to give mommy big, sloppy kisses. I am not sorry.
This is Argos. I heard crunching and saw that he was eating my camera…..I thought it was fine but I turned it on and the screen was cracked
Blue is my favorite color.
Somehow, she managed to rock her crate enough to snag a pillow on the floor…through the bars. That pillow must’ve really had it coming.
4 days after being spayed, Osita gains our trust without a cone only to sneak away every chance she gets to nurse her wounds…not anymore.
“My name is Skoda and I am a fluffy weirdo. I won’t eat my food in a bowl-only on the ground or your hand. NOT ashamed… but a little hungry.”
When my mom starts to run, I sit so she can’t.
I ate 6 jalapeño freshly picked from the garden off the table. My tummy hurts and my farts are REALLY BAD!