Carli is lucky she is so sweet which almost counteracts the bad things she does.
Cute but Bad

Carli is lucky she is so sweet which almost counteracts the bad things she does.
“I ate fancy shoes for snack… And I got so constipated that mom had to help me extract you-know-what from you-know-where.”
I got tired of waiting for my family to come home, so I took matters into my own two paws!
She gets toys. She loves them. AND THEN SHE MURDERS THEM.
Winnie loves toys more than anyone! He steals his foster sisters toys and wont let go! He’s a sweet two year old shih tzu living in Alton, IL. Winnie is being fostered through Hope Animal Rescues. He is neutered and ready for his forever home. Here‘s his profile.
Saturday mornings is laundry day, Max’s favorite day. Gross.
I make my mom feel like she’s neglecting me when she has to go to work. I cry and throw a fit… Like a baby.
Cashton, 1 year old, shih-Pom/self proclaimed human baby. Good thing I’m cute an my mom loves me.
My precious pup Snorty decided to pee on my pillow where I lay my head at night.
Who needs an alarm clock with puppy Bailey around? Not ME. “I farted so bad it woke my dad up! …Twice!
I got my 4 year old Shih Tzu another toy….again… First thing he does it destroy it and then make sure it no longer squeaks! This is one of his many victims. He still plays with the head to this day. However the head has no stuffing either.