Oscar is usually the chillest pup ever but if we go out without him when he expected to come along, his retaliation is to munch up the plastic latch on his harness. we try to keep it out of reach but i forgot this time. This is the 3rd one in 2 months! he is so very much NOT sorry about it either!!
This is my five-month-old pomeranian, Teddy. He likes to sit on the other dog’s (Lady, the Shih-tzu) head. Even though she was here first and is 8 years older than him! Poor Lady =(
Technically, only the coffee table was actually destroyed. The Basenji figured out how to unzip the covers on the couch cushions and pull all of the stuffing out. He taught this to the Malchipom while the Shih Tzu watched in fear.