Chloe sneaks a sip of coffee when Mom’s not looking.
Posts Tagged: Scottish Terrier
I ignore the dog walker
Submitted Anonymously but was so good it needed to be posted immediately.
The Baby Had It Coming
The baby had it coming and he didn’t bite hard, but still..
I ate my brother Kuzco’s eye
Kuzco is the piñata, Dixie knocked it over and started chewing and licking its eye.
call 911 you heartless monster
Kuzco Is The Pi Ata Dixie Knocked It Over And
Kuzco is the piñata, Dixie knocked it over and started chewing and licking its eye.
call 911 you heartless monster
Kuzco Is The Pi Ata Dixie Knocked It Over And
Kuzco is the piñata, Dixie knocked it over and started chewing and licking its eye.
call 911 you heartless monster