“I broke a plate and ate my moms lunch off of it”
Can’t be trusted…

“I broke a plate and ate my moms lunch off of it”
Indestructible means absolutely nothing to Flynn.
Leashes are prohibitive? No. They aren’t.
Grissom just can’t help himself when he smells food in your bag.
‘I stole apple sauce and tore this book’
His eyes are full of shame.
Millie prefers to stay on the other side of the camera.
Little MIss NOT Allowed in the living room…ate the chair and then sat on it to hide the damage. Avoids eye contact ….not sorry.
Gilly had been such a good boy throughout the renovation of my stairs but on the last day of painting he had had enough and I found him eating my favourite hand knit hat!
This is the guilty face you see when you take dinner out of the oven and then walk outside to water the plants for 5 minutes while dinner cools down. Thinking of changing his name to Papa Giuseppe.
Our 4 year old Willie, loves to eat diapers……. gross.