Gunner, Pixie, and Paisley became bored when Mom went back to her teaching job at the end of summer. So they made their own fun! …with flour.
F is for Flour and Fun and F……

Gunner, Pixie, and Paisley became bored when Mom went back to her teaching job at the end of summer. So they made their own fun! …with flour.
This is how Frankie lets us know he has enjoyed his meal.
I tore up a whole roll of papertowels in the livingroom. Bad dog! I watched.
NFL Jersey = $200. Dog’s face after destroying Dad’s souvenir = priceless.
Lemon is terrified of the cat.
“I like to take used feminine products & hide them under my owner’s bed.”
We always have to close the bathroom doors during that ~special time~
I have a bed and a house, but I choose to sleep in dirty laundry.
Our little baby Shay.