I used my roomie’s underwear as a chew toy, now I must wear it as punishment. – Boomie
I just wanted to feel pretty

I used my roomie’s underwear as a chew toy, now I must wear it as punishment. – Boomie
“I’m supposed to sit on the towel when I get on the couch. And I am.” Dignan knows the rule but he always pulls the towel off before he sits down. Technically he IS on the towel, though!
I don’t like my medicine. I will eat the hotdog bit with the pill inside, then later spit the pill out when mommy isn’t looking. I will be FOREVER SICK.
When we adopted Artimus he had a sever upper respiratory and ear infection. It has been 3 months and he still sneezes and coughs, much to the vets (and our) surprise. I went home and found out that it’s not for my lack of trying, he is just spitting out the pill!
I had just taken the turkey out of the over and left it on the counter to cool. I then went up and got my shower, thinking the pan was to hot for the cats to mess with. Boy, was I wrong! My oldest cat, who is a rescue and has yet to break the habit of stealing food, knocked over the pan. When I came back down, I found our five cats and Saphera finishing off the last of the turkey.
I ate all the turkey (With the help of the cats)
Fozzie likes getting “intimate” with the bear.. It needs a wash now..
Sign says: I eat chicken poop in the backyard. Best chicken nuggets ever! “Shame” is not in my vocabulary. Maser gets along adorably well with his chicken sisters and doesn’t try to chase them anymore, but he refuses to stop eating the tasty ‘nuggets’ they leave around the backyard.
I jumped into the tiny human’s lap & ate all of her mac & cheese while she sat there & cried
I ate a jelly fish at the beach today. I cost my human parents £171 in vets bills. Both humans are hungover and had to watch me throw up jelly fish slime.
Every day we take our Jack Russell mix Stink for a beach walk and every day he spends the walk with his head in the sand inspecting all the crab hole on the beach.
I pee’d on the bear.