Mickey loves to eat stink bugs but then his breath smells like cilantro
Stink bugs anyone?

Mickey loves to eat stink bugs but then his breath smells like cilantro
Hi Dad-
I hope you’re enjoying your trip to Florida. I may have are the couch when you were gone. See you soon Shea
When I have gas, which I do often, I pretend like I’m intently watching the tv so I can start barking at moving things when I need to fart. My humans couldn’t possibly realize that I’m bark-farting… (Except I stink due to my frequent snacks of cat poo)
Caption: “I bark at the TV to cover up the fact that I have bad gas – Lucchi”
Toys? Nope… Rug was better
Earl has tons of toys but still prefers a hearty, filling rug.
My pug Vader and his sidekick Hank decided to treat themselves while I was at work. Too bad the evidence was left behind. I really have to cat-and-pug-proof my kitchen cabinets.
Our pug likes to nibble on Golden Retriever poo when his Mommy is not looking!
1. They love arts and crafts.
2. They do things that are so disgusting we can’t even tell our closest friends about.
3. They don’t listen. AT ALL. EVER.
4. They think they’re responsible enough to have their own pet.
5. They have no concept of money, yet strangely, only destroy expensive things.
6. The poop, oh god, the poop.
7. Anything is a choking hazard, if they try hard enough.
8. Sleeping in past 7am is a thing of the past.
9. Holidays will never be complete without a trip to the emergency room.
10. You’re the bad cop, grandma is the good cop (with candy in her purse).
11. Everything goes in their mouths.
12. You’ll never eat in peace again.
13. You’ll forever be covered in some kind of sticky, snotty fluid.
14. They’re not great around new people.
I peed into the bedroom fan.
Put my snoring to the test!
“I chewed up my mommy’s goggles.” Sorry not sorry.
#Benjithepug doesn’t like it when his mommy needs to study for lab because he doesn’t get any love, so he decided to chew up and take apart her goggles to make a statement instead.