Don’t leave paper products unattended.
Darcy…clean up committee

Don’t leave paper products unattended.
Eunice Jolene loves to eat vaseline. She will trash the bathroom to get her fix…and shortly afterward, trashes anything her butt comes into contact with as the vaseline slowly oozes it’s way out.
My foster pup apparently does not like my boots, she was nto ashamed until she had to take a picture with the evidence! Nova lives in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. He’s being fostered through LOYAL Rescue. Nova is a typical puppy, very sweet and playful but of course gets into anything she can. She is a tiny bit shy in newer situations and around new dogs but warms up quickly. She hasn’t met too many children but has no issues with adults, no stranger danger. Here is Nova’s profile.
Our pug Nikos is very proud of himself whenever we give him yogurt and he gets it all around the house. And his face.
“I’ve bit the mailman so much my mom has to pick up the mail from the post office now..”
A new puppy leads to new temptations! Our 11 year old Pug, Mocha is always lurking during feeding time!
“You got me an indestructible dog bed so I’ll start work on the destructible walls. Thanks, Wedge Antilles”
Wedge is our 11 month old rescue pug who has destroyed 6 beds since coming home to us. We finally got a bed that will last and on his first day alone with it, Wedge took out his frustrations on the wall. Our other 2 pugs are as confounded by his antics as we are.
I decide whose boss around here!
“I knock over the bathroom trash and eat Q-tips”
Max loves to eat Q-tips and ear plugs if he can get ahold of them, he just loves ear wax I guess!
Yoda the pug loves to boss everyone around at daycare, punching and yelling at the other dogs. He isn’t sorry one bit.