I chewed my uncle Aaron’s manicure set. You should be happy I didn’t cut myself.
At-Home Manicure Failure

I chewed my uncle Aaron’s manicure set. You should be happy I didn’t cut myself.
I quietly took a $9 block of parmigiano reggiano cheese out of the grocery bag and ate it while my mom was assembling ingredients to make lasagna.
I chased a turtle into a swamp. It took 2 baths to make me not stinky. I should pick on someone my own size. Love Ruby
“I ate most of my mommy’s Vaseline. She had to move the whole bed to get me!
Sorry, not sorry!
Love, Loki
*I heard her make the appointment to get me neutered… she deserved this!*”
Loki had been missing for about half an hour. I should have know the Norse God of Mischief was up to no good. I found him under the bed (where he knows we can’t reach him) enjoying the delicious petroleum jelly. Our king-size bed is heavy and hard to move, but he was caught red-handed! Going potty is going to be LOTS of fun later!
Wiki likes to jump into the bathtub to let his owner know that his water bowl is empty. She has been trying to regulate his water intake at night before bedtime and this is his form of protest.
“I am too lazy to jump into the back of the car”
Tucker is 1 year old and uses the technique of playing dead whenever he doesn’t want to do something. Even though he can jump up into the low Prius, he refuses to do it voluntarily and prefers to place his front paws up and then have his rear paws lifted up. When I don’t cooperate he plays dead and poor poodle Scarlett has to wait impatiently while I try to move him from his passive protest position.”
“I jump on the fence and take bites out of it.”
If I don’t walk outside with my dog, every time he goes out he will race across the yard and jump on the fence and bite pieces off.
Four months ago we rescued a “border collie mix.” DNA came in yesterday. She’s 50% miniature poodle, 25% Pekingese, and 25% other varieties, NONE OF WHICH ARE A BORDER COLLIE! She’s a MINIATRUE PEKINOODLE!
This is Piper. She’s a 7 year old Bichon Poodle mix. This sign reads, “i eat a dozen cookies off the counter and puke around the house and in my gma’s mustang.”
My mommy had to get a new front door because I loved peeing on it