Sophie, the cheese connoisseur.
Sophie, The Cheese Connoisseur

Sophie, the cheese connoisseur.
I broke a microwave.
Mylo & Roscoe: The Destroyers
A high fiber diet
Nicky refuses to wear his shaming sign that says ” I unravel all the toilet paper to get the cardboard tube and I am not the least bit sorry”.
My name is Ginger. I enjoy jumping up and pulling down my dad’s gym shorts in front of the neighbors instead of going potty.
“I am the cause of Mom and Dad’s chronic neck pain.”
Walter refuses to sleep anywhere but on top of the pillows/our heads at night.
Jamie is not exactly the Hamburgler…
I steal pacifiers from babies and children!!!
I don’t know what I ate, but mom said it had a barcode on it when it came back up!
I like to play in the snow, let it stick to me, and then let it all melt in the house.