I puked on my NEW, comfy, and soft blanket!
Blanket Statement

I puked on my NEW, comfy, and soft blanket!
We tried to crate train Oliver and Andra (his mom) left him a pillow. He had a fun time with it. Oliver has never needed a crate since and loves to chew up all of his sister’s stuffies.
I like to “help” mom sort clothes.
Frenchie, our pit mix senior rescue, has decided to help around the house between nap times.
His name is Blew.
“I pooped in dad’s sneaker!”
Truck was locked but window was overly cracked because Kitty was inside. They stuck their arm in the window to unlock and stole my iPad, the 128gig w/cell service. Thankful and grateful they didn’t take her.
We came home from a 2 day camping trip and needless to say I don’t think she was too thrilled about being left!
I ate half a tub of petroleum jelly and now mom and dad have to clean up Vaseline farts.
When you realize your puppy has been quiet for a little too long…
He ate the last roll of toilet paper we had!
Came home to find the $70 shredded memory foam dog bed that actually belonged to my previous dog had exploded all over the house. We currently have two dogs, Payton and Roxie, and I immediately knew Roxie had done it because she was basically wading around in the foam like a pig in slop, looking really pleased with herself (she also enjoys shredding towels and napkins when we’re not looking). No more expensive dog beds for this one.
I like to run around really fast and blast my head into the drywall. Then eat the chips that fall off. -Al