M-I see you left your ears on the floor!
Posts Tagged: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
The Apple of my Eww!
Daisy the apple hoarder!
Another one?
“They brought another one home… I am unimpressed.”
Our seven year old Corgi, Bella, had always defied her breed standard and is not a family type dog. She tolerates our three year old based on how much food she drops on the floor. You could almost see her disgust when we brought our newborn home! Poor Bella… 🙂
Undisputed, 7 Years Running!
My name is Hector, and I love to let out squeaky farts at the most inappropriate times (such as in the elevator in front of sweet little old ladies)!
What Goes Around Comes Back Around
I didn’t poop everything I needed to outside, so I finished in my kennel. Then ate it, threw up, then ate that.
Cor-geeking out
I had a chance to bring home a unique prototype of the new pet gadget. I put it on the piano, but Audrey’s love for hardware is so big that she managed to pull it down and, well, hack it.
I wanted to feel a little Cajun!
I ate a bag of beignets from Disneyland!
…and they were delicious. I still have the powdered sugar on my head!
I got too excited on the boat!
Our Welsh Corgi Buddin got so excited on the boat she broke her Dad’s favorite (expensive) fishing rod into 3 pieces. That’s why we call her Buddin Buddin!
What a crummy thief
I was busted eating cat poop because mom and dad found the crumbs on the sofa.
Barnaby ain’t too bright
Barnaby ate through the lamp cord in my bedroom during the night in retaliation for getting a bath AND taking medicine last night. Now I have to get ready for work in the dark. He is not even remotely ashamed.