Oh yes, right in the middle of a professional photo shoot.
Don’t mind if I Doo-Doo

Oh yes, right in the middle of a professional photo shoot.
I eat the vegetables before they can grow
I am a Mountain Cur
RC Charley is a 3 year old rescue cat. Although he loves people, he does not enjoy playing with my White German Shepherd because she is really hyper, and RC Charley is more of a mellow guy. Whenever the dog goes outside to go potty, RC Charley drops wherever he is at and plays dead.
My cat stares at me while I bathe…
I rolled in poop and then head-butted my mom when she tried to dry me after my subsequent bath.
PS. she had just bathed me less than 48 hours ago.
PPS. I may have also eaten the poop as my breath stinks!
Bella, the African Grey, likes to throw her seed out at Mister, the kitty. Mister doesn’t mind the extra treats though.
Bella: “I throw my seed at the kitty.”
Mister: “I eat it.”
Miss Maddie Mae, our miniature pig, thinks she is very clever… she knows that when she goes potty outside, she gets a treat. She has lately been pretending to need to use the potty simply so she can get her treat. She heads outside, squats, looks directly into our eyes, waits about ten seconds, and comes to collect her treat. She has no shame.
My 10 yr old Bengal, Boo Boo, decided the litter box was too far away and pooped in my shower. Enough said 🙂 !!
[picture of a carefully framed map of Skyrim from the video game Skyrim]
I get to live above the fireplace because I’m “cool”.
My bag broke and now I shoot grass all over my owner’s legs. They kicked me to the curb and bought a “newer model.” I’m sorry 🙁