Zucchini are basically just crunchy green sausages. No shame for stealing from the kitchen counter. No shame for eating vegetables.
Zucchini Thief

Zucchini are basically just crunchy green sausages. No shame for stealing from the kitchen counter. No shame for eating vegetables.
we came back from our workout and were greeted by our happy dog who had climbed up on the table, snagged a 2 kg package of flour and dragged it through the hall and living room. How we know? There was a flour trail through the whole house. And she was wagging her tail, whiskers were white and all…
“I was the mutt-of-honor in my parents wedding… and I pooped.” Lucy also forgot to mention that mom and dad got married in a carry-in, carry-out state park.
This mutt opened the oven, took out the roasting pan, and ate the entire turkey that was cooking inside
I REFUSE to go for a walk without bringing my toy along with me. Or go outside in general.
” I bullied the flower delivery people so mom didn’t get her anniversary flowers” OOPS xox K’Noodle
I had been adopted by my owners for a full hour before running away and making my owner chase me through the neighborhood for 20 minutes. to make matter worse, I don’t yet know my name and so yelling it during the chase was not helpful!
I snore so loud my mum can’t hear the T.V!
I dove face first into Mom’s birthday cake. It was lemon…her favorite.