I hid a live chicken under the bed…and Mom didn’t find it for two days! (The chicken was fine, just a little annoyed.)
Chicken Thief

Kobe uses his blankie to calm himself down.
I chew everything! Dad’s new pedometer was fun to destroy
My mom is Peace Corps Volunteer therefore she doesn’t paid much, but took me off the streets because I’m so cute. This is how I pay her back. Look at me, licking my chops, like wasting money is delicious!
-Risa from Nicaragua
“The day that I got stitches out, I went for a hike. The vet (my dad!) told me not to roll around too much… …so I jumped into the muddy riverbank! <3 Ashland.” ” (That was the first day I wore my new boots, too!) ” Gotta love this adventurous tripod!
Last time my owners had a pool part I stole 2 hot dogs, half a hamburger, and some spicy Italian sausage. No they keep a better eye on me. Sorry I’m not sorry!
Sundae is a thief. Now she has a front row seat to the pool part, in her own floaty!
I’m 5 weeks old and I think I run the apartment.
I have to have four locks on my crate because i’ll escape an eat the couch and walls
I am afraid of my own shadow.
In three months Saltine has eaten at six sheets, two blankets and dozens of socks. Half her poo isn’t organic…