I came home from work and found out that FedEx had slipped my Lady Gaga tickets under the door. Marley didn’t want me to go.
I ate Lady Gaga Tickets

I came home from work and found out that FedEx had slipped my Lady Gaga tickets under the door. Marley didn’t want me to go.
“I literally ate a pair of mom’s underwear …. and then barfed them back up.”
– Ewing the Labradoodle
I hope to shame him for many years to come.
Sometimes I bark at the evil humidifier so obviously the filter had it coming!
Linus is 4 months old and his appetite knows no bounds. Metal chain – he’ll chew it; chew deterrent sprays – he’ll lap it up like candy; punishment spray bottle of water – he’ll drink it and beg for more. I don’t know why we thought our walls would be safe.
I left my house for a total of 30 minutes. In that 30 minutes, my cat (co-conspirator not pictured) knocked this pizza box off the counter, and Sasha, my 8 year old (and KNOWS BETTER THAN THIS!) pit-bull/mastiff mix helped herself to my would-be dinner. The amount of poop that comes out of a 90 pound dog that has eaten a large pizza is not even right…
I just carried a full 2 liter bottle of Ginger Ale from the kitchen to the dining room, tipped it over and bit into it. The spray was about 6 feet high. Where is the mop?
My Guilty Pleasure is Chapstick.
After coming back from a nice long walk, I pooped on Grandma’s carpeted stairs immediately after coming back in the house.
Our cockapoo, Mike, likes to get up in the middle of the night and steal used tissues from the trash can. He shreds them all over the floor, then hops back into bed. Sometimes, he raids all the trash cans he can reach and speads the pieces all over the house. In the morning, he avoids us and the scene of the crime and is “shameful” when we scold him for it. When you call him, he hangs his head and practically crawls on his belly to the mess Why does he do it? Apparently, he likes the smell (or the taste) of boogers and Kleenex…