I don’t always get in the trash but when I do, I make sure it’s on the carpet and that I take a giant dump afterwards.
I don’t always get in the trash

I don’t always get in the trash but when I do, I make sure it’s on the carpet and that I take a giant dump afterwards.
I heard Wilma chewing on something. Thought it was a bone. It was not a bone.
I pee on everything, including my friends.
(Anything unmarked or unfamilar to Mack gets peed on. This includes but is not limited too: A deep-fryer, plastic trash bags, a Shark steam mop, cat litter boxes, cats, smaller dogs, a pack of Ice Mountain water, poor defenseless brown paper bags, people’s purses/backpacks, a space heater, a magazine rack… Yeah. He’s a craphead.)
I ate my moms new winter coat.
Sadly, this is not the first time. No, the first time was when I was standing at the kitchen window looking out in the back yard wondering “what is that laying in the yard.” As I walked out there and got closer that knot in my stomach grew bigger and bigger realizing what I was going to have to pick up, hoping none of the neighbors were looking.
Oscar is my name, grumpy is my game-
I killed Leo the lion and I am not ashamed!
They are the sweetest puppies but they are turds and ate my cats poop.
Adopted sisters Emma and Tess spent their first summer playing so hard in the back yard that there is no grass left. Because they track in so much winter mud, we had to put down straw over the entire yard.
I wonder how much Astro-Truff cost?
These rescue dogs are the best of friends. Frank, the mini long-haired dachshund, can get a bit too friendly with Nimh, the boxer-lab mix. The worst part is that it doesn’t seem to bother Nimh. At all!
Our Labradoodle is a legendary chewer. Vines, shoes (while we are putting them on), copper wire, sprinkler heads, a table, our backyard lights, seat cushions, $300 glasses, 2 pairs of flip flops. The trainer taught us to use the leash to “correct him,” but suggested we put vinegar on the leash so he wouldn’t chew that too. “Yummy,” said Cosmo.
Undaunted, we added cayenne pepper.
His response?
“Bring it on.”