Scooby loves to lick everything. And as of lately… his new favorite thing is my bras. He is gross and has no shame!
Scooby’s Secret

Scooby loves to lick everything. And as of lately… his new favorite thing is my bras. He is gross and has no shame!
My dog, after 12 years together, let a MOUSE (my personal kryptonite) move into OUR BEDROOM!! Not even just the back yard or the garage…OUR BEDROOM!! And there were little brown pieces of evidence that it had slept in HER bed, too! GEEZ! She KNOWS mom is terrified of rodents…TRAITOR! Lol
So it wasn’t a Death Eater after all…
Editor’s note: Just in case anyone is wondering, that’s a stuffed animal, not a real owl.
Incident Two happened while I was cleaning up Incident One. WHILE!
20 minutes before the Real Estate Agent came over to give an appraisal of our house.
I love spaghetti just as much as my owner.
This is our bug (pug and boston terrier mix), she will eat anything! When one of my daughters was a baby, Daisy ate a little tub of medicated diaper cream and then puked it all up all over our white kitchen floor!
Happy Mother’s day!!
From the mouth of our dog Mizzy:
“I got bored and swallowed a rock I found in the backyard. 3 nights at the vet, 30 staples, and $5,000 later, I’m not allowed to go outside unsupervised anymore.
I ate a hole in my parent’s mattress…
“I ate my mom’s application for a new home…”
(And, she’s too cute NOT to get away with it!!)