It took me 12 hours to prepare and bake some bread, but it only took 15 minutes for my husky-lab mix, Nico, to jump onto the counter and eat while I was in the shower.
Scoutin’ for Fresh Baked Goods.

It took me 12 hours to prepare and bake some bread, but it only took 15 minutes for my husky-lab mix, Nico, to jump onto the counter and eat while I was in the shower.
I Hog The Blanket -Molly
Today I ate mom’s new full package of pita bread! Mmmm, delish! I just love carbs!
(Maverick also has stolen two loaves of bread, a sleeve of cookies, and leftover cake.)
I like to sit on the couch and bark at imaginary things outside to the humans will check the door.
I chewed the Wii remote when I knew that mom went to the park without me.
Escher HATES skateboards. Or rather, kids on them. Skateboard are actually fine. As are kids. But put a kid on one, and send him past Escher and he FLIPS out! today he popped his collar then knocked down a young boy riding a skateboard. No one was hurt, and Escher seemed very, VERY proud of himself for the rest of the walk.
Hi! I’m Lulu. I like to chew on the baby gate. I also like to chew on people’s hands!
Lulu is a beagle/bulldog mix. She is 14 weeks old today.
We are working on biting…
Hi, I am Tyson. I like parties. Specifically dog birthday parties. Specifically the food and gifts at other dogs birthday parties! Thats me in the green hat, stealing my foster sister’s treats on her birthday.
I am a 3-4 year old malamute x collie boy. I am very very clever, and quite naughty. Although I can be quite good if briibed with the right food. I quite love it at my foster parents house, and love my foster sister, so I tend to sabotage meets. I am scared of little dogs, and take some time to get to know new big dogs but once we’re ok we’re friends for life. I prefer girl dogs to boys (I am a ladies man). I hate cats, and like barking at and chasing birds. I have lost my testicles, and am microchipped and vaccinated and fat and fit and furry. I love children, but especially larger ones who i can play with without knocking them over.I love people and cuddles.Mummy says I am the best foot warmer ever. I live in Adeliade, South Australia, and would love somewhere to live forever where I will be spoilt rotten and maybe have a few kids or dog friends. You can see more about me here.
I ate my pet-sitter’s sandwich.
Then, while she was freaking out about that, I snuck up and tried to eat her salad too.
Carly is a two year old, 35lb chocolate mix that Best Friend Pet Adoption in Cary NC. She came to us knowing basic commands and is housebroken. She is sweet as can be….but as we soon discovered, also a very stealthy counter surfer!
Winnie likes to dress up as a butterfly and she’s NOT ashamed!
Winnie is being adopted through Adopt a Dog in Armonk, NY. She LOVES kids, dogs, and her toys! She is a fantastic dog who has NEVER had a home in her two years of life. Here is her profile!