Coconut has a ton of toys and chew sticks but she prefers carpets. Especially new carpets.
Carpet eating jerk

Coconut has a ton of toys and chew sticks but she prefers carpets. Especially new carpets.
My dogs Lucky (who is pictured) and Molly tripped me going down the stairs where I proceeded to break my foot. Now I am out for 4 weeks.
“I got tired of being a pibble, so I decided to become a pretzel.”
Lilly, or as she is more commonly known, “Silly Lilly”, is a joy to have in our home. She lives in Frederiksburg, VA and is being adopted through Bully Paws. She is a playful, fun loving young girl who can instantly make you smile! Like most young pups, Lilly likes toys but she LOVES tennis balls. As long as you will throw one she will chase it, she even brings it back when called! Lilly has been working hard and has already learned “sit” “down” “paw” and “drop it”. Lilly loves to play with her foster brothers and sisters but won’t hesitate to snuggle on the couch when the day is over. Lilly is a very social girl who does great with other dogs, does well with cats, and she absolutely LOVES kids. All she needs now is her forever home!! For more information on her, click here.
My name is Jozie and I ran away from my owner and sister to chase a rabbit and some how ended up in the neighbors pond! The only reason my owner caught me is because I hate being wet!
“No, Mom. You can’t get a new teaching license. I want you to stay home with me all year. Won’t that be fun? Love, Indiana” If given the option between sealed documents and junk mail, Indiana shows his distinguished taste for quality parchment.
My name is Cyrus and I have no shame in how I sleep. Even my brother Grits gives me funny looks!
I peed on my mummy’s boyfriend’s neck, while he was sleeping. For some reason he did not thank me for this token of my love. (chloe) I probably did too (Ebba)
It is not entirely clear who was responsible for the peeing, chloe is the most likely culprit, although Ebba appears to be feeling a little guilty. chloe has no shame.
Always hungry and always on the hunt for a treat – but really bad at being sneaky !
“I am so loud and unfriendly they had to hold a private class just so I could graduate! Still proud! Class of 2013”
This was AJAX’s second time taking beginner level training.