Mom says our neighbour is afraid of dogs……so I decided to help her with exposure therapy. Mom says I’m not helping. 🙁
Neighbors are not a fan

Mom says our neighbour is afraid of dogs……so I decided to help her with exposure therapy. Mom says I’m not helping. 🙁
“We went to the dog park, and while the other dogs wanted to play with me, all I wanted to do was pee on and/or snarl at everyone, so we had to leave, and now everyone at the dog park knows Mom & Dad as “those people with the a****le dog.”
This is our rescue dog, Bailey, he has eaten many things but this was by far the worst.
“I had to go to the vet at 1am because I thought a box of tampons would be a good snack! – Bailey P.S. I had to throw up all 15. They weren’t as good the second time.
“I found out I was not included in my Mom and Dad’s vacation to Turkey and Greece next month, so I ate Dad’s passport. Next time, do what’s right and these ‘accidents’ won’t happen! Love, Addie”
I peed in my Mom’s favorite shoe, but she didn’t notice until she put her bare foot in it. I’m so ashamed. Julio 🙁
I slipped out the door as my human was leaving for work, and nearly gave him a heart attack. After a playful 2-block game of chase (traumatic spree of panic), I was finally caught while stopping to poo.
Sadie is a Jack Russell Terrier mix that my wife and I rescued 3 years ago. She is a complete sweetheart and loves to groom herself while sunning on our bed. However, she has careless disregard for what she is licking while primping herself and always leaves a gross wet lick spot on the comforter. Fortunately, I can’t stay mad at that face for too long.
The Sign reads :
96% Comforter 4% Paw –
I think this is an acceptable lick ratio when grooming myself
– Sadie
Sasha is a pup, an over-active one at that. She’s destroyed our last couple of bills, and no amount of scolding has corrected it. So, we decided to finally put a mailbox up. Needless to say, the mailman ignored the mailbox entirely and left the envelope with our first YouTube-related check under the door. And well…you know the rest.
This is the picture I sent to my IT Vice President after my dog, Cosmo, peed on my workbag…with my brand new work laptop in it. The laptop still works after a few days of drying out, but now there are weird (urine!) bubbles behind the screen. I am a College Professor, so I might be a little more lenient when students give bizarre excuses (“I couldn’t get that paper in, because my dog peed on my laptop!”) for not getting their work in on time.
I Eat Your Sunglasses at Night.