They kept talking about how great Lizard Lips lip balm was. I had to try it for myself.
Lizard Lips

They kept talking about how great Lizard Lips lip balm was. I had to try it for myself.
My dog, Kona, a 5 year Jack Russell – Chihuahua mix, has separation anxiety, and I left him alone for 5 minutes… Came back to find a present on my bed. A piece on each of the top 2 pillows and a piece touching the bottom two – he’s good at revenge.
“After an emergency trip to the vets, I thanked mom by eating her night guard.” – Oliver.
“I helped” – Isabelle.
I broke the coffee table.
Barley is ball-obsessed and got a little too rambunctious while playing. He isn’t sorry at all, and I’m still not sure how I’m going to fix it!
“I chewed the plug off the lamp. I only regret I was caught.”
Even though he has every chew toy he could want, Watson still felt the need to chew off the plug for the lamp in the den. Thank goodness it wasn’t plugged in!
I came home last night to find this… a tunnel to China in my backyard! Well I guess he was trying to save us money on plane tickets!
A couple of times, our dog has decided that a good way to introduce himself to children is by surprise body-slamming them to the ground even. (No children were harm thankfully)
I fell asleep during “The Bachelor”. Mom is the one who should be ashamed.
Lou loves to watch tv with mom but she’s in it more for the cuddles than the shows!
Meet Pam. She is about 10 pounds, about 20 years old, and has about 4 teeth. Staying in the kitchen because she has old age incontinence is apparently unacceptable!
Both my dogs.. Cinnamon (dachshund) and Fred(Multi Racial) Being shamed over a frozen dead squirrel.