I ate my Grandfather’s photos of his Grandchildren. They were the only copies… He passed away two weeks ago…
[Dog named] Polar Bear Destroys Family History

I ate my Grandfather’s photos of his Grandchildren. They were the only copies… He passed away two weeks ago…
Mean Molly Moo
I let my littler sister sleep in my bed because I’m too chicken to make her get out of it. Abby never gets her bed to herself, although Sage has a perfectly fine bed in her room.
Amy is our fantastic part-terrier rescue that adopted us 3 years ago. She is an absolute treat and rarely does anything that warrants a shaming…..until today.
Sign: While my humans were out for only 45 minutes this morning, I snatched a thawing turkey breast on the counter. I ate what I wanted and then left the rest of the carcass on the baby’s play mat. I just wanted to share…….
Love, Amy
Sorry, I’m not sorry
I was naughty because I ate the last chocolate mocha shake!~Hadley
Editor’s note: I hope Hadley is okay! Chocolate is very bad for dogs. If you suspect your pooch has ingested chocolate, please call poison control or take them to the vet.
“I chewed the hooks off of all of my mom’s bras! <3, Ellie”
I learned that they don’t sell cards that say “I’m sorry my puppy peed on your baby” We had to make our own 🙂
I never steal meat, only bread.
I dug up mom’s plants and used them as a bed. ~Maile
Maile is a Border Collie mix (we call them “Poi dogs” in Hawaii).
Maile thinks that “planting bed” means “sleeping bed”. She is SO not ashamed.
Meet Bauer (pronounced bow were). He is something else. He also has an epic guilty face. As bad as he can be… we love him!