Came home from work today to find that Rocko had chewed a big hole in the new baby’s blanket… While he was still in his cage. Pulled it right through the bars. Bad dog!!!
Siblings Share… Right?

Came home from work today to find that Rocko had chewed a big hole in the new baby’s blanket… While he was still in his cage. Pulled it right through the bars. Bad dog!!!
“I love to stick my nose in my mommy’s butt and “hoo ha” because I know she likes it!!!” <3 Canela
“I like to eat rabbit poop when I’m outside and then come in and throw up on mom’s NEW comforter. I also threw up on the old comforter too! ~Barkley~”
For some gross reason my dog likes to eat rabbit poop when he goes outside. Obviously it doesn’t settle well with his stomach and my comforter gets the aftermath!
This is our sweet and serene Layla. However, every Sunday morning around 10am she barks herself into a tizzy when the “Jesus Bus” shows up to take all the neighbourhood children to church. It’s especially embarrassing in the spring/summer when the windows are open and she scares the kids. She also has a penchant for getting into the garbage after we’ve all left for for the day….it’s always a surprise when we walk through the door at 5pm!
Also known as the Brother Love Pups, Jeffrey and Jermaine are “twins” who achieved a bit of notoriety when a photo of them snuggled arm-in-arm asleep at the shelter went viral. Now quite comfortable in their forever home, they’ve obviously forgone all those niceties of well mannered pups and decided that chewing on hard plastic bowls is just more fun than simply lapping water from them.
Their new bowl is metal.
Bella is a 14 year old pup that we rescued 4 years ago. She is a very good girl and we have no idea why anyone ever gave her up! She really has never done anything terrible since we rescued her except maybe chew some tissues out of the bathroom trash (eww) but we since have moved it out of reach and I was never able to catch her in the act! I snapped this picture while she was sitting on the steps, looking super sorry but she didn’t even do anything wrong!
The pet hotel won’t let me stay anymore because they say i’m too big! But, my parents say i’m just a little puppy. I’m sorry I’m so big.
I survived 5 minutes without my mom so I uncorked a bottle of Dom. I’m still sober.
“Mom buys me great toys like these… but I still INSIST on chewing up Dad’s socks!” ~Jody~
Jody is a 9 month old pup who will seek out stinky socks and chew them to shreds, despite Mom’s desperate attempts to get her to chew normal toys. Maybe Jody is trying to train Dad to put his socks in the wash basket instead of on the floor!
I ate flour then drank water. Not only were my whiskers stuck together, I also left dough paw prints on the carpet.