Hi, I’m Hank and I’m an “Aglet-holic.” (I chew the plastic tips off of all shoelaces!)
Hi I’m Hank And I’m An Aglet-Holic

Hi, I’m Hank and I’m an “Aglet-holic.” (I chew the plastic tips off of all shoelaces!)
I like to play in the snow, let it stick to me, and then let it all melt in the house.
I have an unhealthy fascination with cats.
I push daddy and daddy out of bed.
Ludwig thought he was helping by changing the remote control batteries … now we have to get up to change channels. Seriously. It couldn’t be much worse 🙁
I like to walk right up to stranger on walks so they all end up tripping on me, and my mommy has to apologize.
…every night…
Hamilton loves to keep us on our toes, but who couldn’t love that face!
Then I’ll come in & sleep on your head 🙂