Jewel Cat is really, really nice to all people, especially kids, and our big dog, but she tortures Prinny until Prinny cowers in a corner hiding. Prinny obviously doesn’t know she’s a dog.
Jewel Cat Is Really Really Nice To All People

Jewel Cat is really, really nice to all people, especially kids, and our big dog, but she tortures Prinny until Prinny cowers in a corner hiding. Prinny obviously doesn’t know she’s a dog.
This is Harvey. He is mostly a good dog, but he loves to chew things up when he gets bored. So far he has eaten two dog beds (he is no longer allowed to have a bed in his crate), several towels, an upholstered footstool, a cardboard moving box, a bathrobe belt, and three leashes (that I can remember).
I ate my nanna’s hearing aids. While I was on holidays.
I steal pacifiers from babies and children!!!
I completely destroyed this antique chair barking at the dog next door
Amos will only drink out of the toilet bowl.
Bad dog. Bad, bad dog.
Juniper lives to chase clam shells. Bt she has NEVER SEEN A CLAM.
Zoey and Clementiny are purse thieves who steal from babies.
What did you do Kona? (She chewed up mom’s irreplaceable high school yearbook.)