“I eat rotten peaches that fall in my yard, then throw up the pits in the living room! Yum!” – Mayer
Just Peachy

“I eat rotten peaches that fall in my yard, then throw up the pits in the living room! Yum!” – Mayer
-I like to eat Mommy’s laundry baskets.
This is the fourth basket that she has eaten. We hid them and she still finds them.
I go through my family’s trash and take out their used tissues. Then I munch on them. I am a booger eater.
This is Toph. She has been known to use the Amazon app on my phone to buy things, but this is by far her most expensive purchase and she even opted for express shipping so it would get here just in time for Christmas!
I love my mom but I love her EOS lip gloss (6) more.
Buzz is a master at getting in my mom’s purse and finding her EOS lip balms. He leaves everything else in the purse undisturbed and can always seem to tell when she has purchased a new one.
“Ask me about the hour-long, solitary jaunt I took around the block while my mom frantically looked for me on foot, on bike, and in the car!”
Whilst taking care of friend’s pooch, Esse, she’d NEVER stop staring at me. Yes, she was walked. Yes, I played with her. I guess she was dazzled by my beauty.
Boston has a little separation anxiety and has torn stuff up before. Now he has learned being alone isn’t so bad when you learn to open the fridge. While we are gone he helps himself… We now bungee cord the handle when we leave.
now I have to wear the cone!
“I like to eat my own eye boogers!”
This is Moose. She likes to eat her own tears, literally…