I have a case of mistaken identity…
I Have A Case Of Mistaken Identity

I have a case of mistaken identity…
This is Pete. He loves the camera.
Painter dogs.
Normally Hudson only chases full-grown bicycles, but he reached a new low today in the park…
And Carlton doesn’t even feel bad about it.
I didn’t want them to leave without me! (They did anyway)
NOTE LEFT BY HOUSE KEEPER…. My dog loves the pool and decided to go swimming when the house keeper was here. After a dip in the pool he came in wet and smelly. The house keeper gave him a shower! He hates showers!
I have a crayon addiction and I need help.
I eat the clothing hangers.
Cole was very ashamed, but only after he got caught.
I stole a baby doll from a six-year-old and ripped its head off!
I have chewed up lots of her other favorite toys too…