Mom waxed the car this morning and four hours later they are still in there… but that doesn’t keep them from barking at passing strollers…
We Refuse To Get Out Of The Car

Mom waxed the car this morning and four hours later they are still in there… but that doesn’t keep them from barking at passing strollers…
My favorite chew toys are expensive textbooks.
I eat random dog hair tumblrweeds
Dont let the face fool you, she is a theif
May the shame be with you.
I am too chicken to kick the cat off my bed
San Fran sour dough, yum yum!
Important: Before this photo was submitted, Clyde was taken to the vet, observed and given precautionary food to protect his tummy from suffering from any damage. Five days later, he’s been given a clean bill of health aside a minor scrape on his tongue that seems to be healing just fine. 😀
Editor’s note: that’s impessive, Clyde!
Charley is our Bassett Shar-Pei rescue who loves to eat bunny poop! Â
Editor’s note: best. face. ever.
I had explosive diarrhea all over my crate. I shook it off…all over Mom! Then, we played in the hose together!