“I just threw up a thong…” (this is NOT a one-time occurrence for basset/dachshund Wesley. Naughty dog.)
I Just Threw Up A Thong

“I just threw up a thong…” (this is NOT a one-time occurrence for basset/dachshund Wesley. Naughty dog.)
On Saturdays and Sundays I wake my mom up at 5:30am on the dot… on Weekdays, when she needs to get ready for work, I’m still sound asleep at 7am!
We put ice in his water bowl and Blue thinks he has to save every piece… and put it on the carpet.
I chewed Mom’s art book that came in the mail today. I opened mail that did not belong to me. (Jack Whitlow)
When you leave and forget to put me in my kennel, I take it as a personal invitation to go upstairs and poop.
I wait outside the shower…
I’m Myra. 98% good dog. That 2% gets ‘em every time.
“My friend watched me for a whole week, so I dug up her flowerbed as a thank you”
“Please note your dog has not been a good neighbor today. He barks a lot… and it’s very frustrating to us. When you are gone, please leave him in the house — or get a bark collar, or something… but please don’t subject his barking on your neighbors!”
Editor’s note: your neighbour is a lot nicer than ours!
I tore the siding off the house.
I snuck under my neighbors fence to get my tennis ball and got stuck over there!