Robbie (4 months) finally got his new big boy bed yesterday, and showed us what he thought of it today.
Finally Got His New Big Boy Bed

Robbie (4 months) finally got his new big boy bed yesterday, and showed us what he thought of it today.
Bella likes bath time!
As soon as Mom puts my toys in the toy box, I like to take them ALL OUT
But mom, I was cold!
I poop at the bottom of the kids’ slide.
When toes aren’t available, I eat insoles. When insoles aren’t available, I break into the fridge. If we walk past the wine store that gives out biscuits and we don’t go in, I will sit down and refuse to walk any further.
…and the I ate the couch.
I ate the love seat…(to be continued)
Henry likes to chew the side tables in the living room when we’re at work… Just chewing one of them wasn’t enough so he started on the side of the other… It’s just because he misses us SO much right??
Maggie Mayhem strikes again.