When mommy and daddy are gone I like to go dumpster diving in the kitchen trash.
Dumpster Diving In The Kitchen Trash.

When mommy and daddy are gone I like to go dumpster diving in the kitchen trash.
I think this could be the oldest dog-shaming picture on the site. This picture of my dogs Henry and Zack was taken in 1990 (they are both long in doggy heaven), after they had stolen a pound of butter.
Ed. Note: original dog shavings are the best!!!
Crunchy has no shame regarding the risks to her brothers and sisters posed by sleeping at the top of the stairs.
… and she whines, too.
Hi dad,
I ate a sirloin tip roast and homemade apple pie and pooped all over your beige carpet.
I’m obsessed. I refuse to leave my dad’s balls alone.
Shirt says: I am why we can’t have nice things… So true!
…and got a cheesy butt.
there was a boa in the house, i killed it…
My parents hired a professional photographer and would not turn around.