Bear saw a squirrel and just couldn’t help himself from going after it…and right through the screen!!
Heavy Screening Process for World’s Worst Dog

Bear saw a squirrel and just couldn’t help himself from going after it…and right through the screen!!
This Valentine’s Day, I almost had to have my stomach pumped after I ate a whole box of chocolate!
I got on top of the kitchen table, chewed the childproofed cap off of a bottle of ibuprofen and ate 13 pills. I had to stay overnight at an emergency clinic, hooked up to an IV. It cost my mom $500…
Albert is a five year old dwarf German Shepard mix. He was abused and thrown out but he’s the most loving creature there is. However, when mommy leaves his view, he panics.
Ada is so wrong, she’s just right. Ignorance is bliss.
My dog Mitch Hedberg constantly (accidentally?) pees on his own leg and then stops to lick it off. I’m not sure what’s worse, that he licks it off, or if he didn’t at all. Should I be glad he cleans up after himself?
Priscilla loves to chew on anything that is not her toys, this time she got lucky the extension cord was unplugged!!
It’s a big house. But I chose to poop in the single worst possible spot: a heating grate. Now I can relive the event endlessly because the whole house smells just like my poop.
My mom won’t let me kiss her because I love to eat bunny poop!
Ollie loves treats, a bit too much. When no one was around he got into the Galactic Snaps and ate the whole bag at once. Unfortunately his tiny tummy couldn’t hold it all in and it came right back up. He then attempted to dispose of the evidence, but was caught in the act.
Loot Pets is a monthly mystery crate of geeky gear and goods for your pooch. They have a monthly theme and items that center on pop culture franchises. You can get yours here: use promo code: DOGSHAMING for 10% off your own Loot Pets subscription.
My mutt Bix says, “Here’s what I think of stupid newsletters that tell me what’s ‘risky to swallow’!”