My 6 year old was so frustrated he made this sign and took the picture of our dog Rose. “I steal socks from my human Louis.”
I Steal Socks From My Human Louis.

My 6 year old was so frustrated he made this sign and took the picture of our dog Rose. “I steal socks from my human Louis.”
Buford’s remorse sets in…or perhaps he’s bored of his Dog Shaming photo shoot.
“I got a little emotional while you were gone…”
Hi dad,
I ate a sirloin tip roast and homemade apple pie and pooped all over your beige carpet.
Friday walked in while I was painting my room and decided to leave his butt cheek print in the wall forever. love ya Friday and thank you for the wonderful artwork on my wall.
As soon as Mom puts my toys in the toy box, I like to take them ALL OUT
…and the I ate the couch.
I ate the love seat…(to be continued)
I wait outside the shower…
I’m Myra. 98% good dog. That 2% gets ‘em every time.
“My friend watched me for a whole week, so I dug up her flowerbed as a thank you”