When I thought my working day was over I came home to discover it was just beginning.
Easy Breezy Beautiful Coverdogs!

When I thought my working day was over I came home to discover it was just beginning.
We are a mother daughter team, our names are LeeLoo and Mollie and we like to chew and rip our mommies expensive panties.
I pooped in the yard and then rolled around in it!
She didn’t see it, oh but she’ll smell it.
I eat undies and I’m not sorry. I showed absolutely no remorse when I was caught red-handed ripping holes in a house guest’s underwear. They tasted great!
I eat mom’s pink markers!
Our 9 1/2 year old Maltese, Atlas, decided to “freshen up” my car on the way to the groomer.
I pooped in Mom’s car on the way to the groomer. Love, Atlas
#noshame #nervouscolon
P.S. I’d do it again!
Mollie (maltese) and Libby(mix) and how they treat the excrement of our chickens
he ate my fish food and he’s not sorry
Thank you for the new toy you left for me under your bed.
-Charlie Miguel