My 14 Year Old Jack Russell Terrier, Kasey, proves she is not too old to destroy her bed. BUT…….I think that her 5 Year Old sister, Chocolate Labrador, Indee, might have had something to do with it too.
We Should Know Better

My 14 Year Old Jack Russell Terrier, Kasey, proves she is not too old to destroy her bed. BUT…….I think that her 5 Year Old sister, Chocolate Labrador, Indee, might have had something to do with it too.
Bailey ate an entire loaf of bread, a new bag of bagels and a dozen lime-frosted cookies … then he puked green globs all over the floor.
Accidentally left this bag of crackers on the nightstand while we left for 10 minutes to pick up a pizza. Needless to say we when we got home were greeted by a nearly empty bag and a (sort-of) guilty face.
I fell asleep on the couch I am not allowed on, then I pooped on the deck! Squirt is our 15-year-old lab who’s achy joints causes her to sneak on the couch and her heading loss fails to warn her when we have arrived home. She also doesn’t care for the three steps it takes to get off the deck, so occasionally she just glances inside to see if anyone is watching and does her duty right on our deck rug! We are so lucky to have a dog with us for so many years, so we don’t mind.
“After I escaped form my crate I took these two glass jars off the pantry door rack, carried them down to the basement, removed the lids without breaking the glass, and ate the entire contents of Trader Joe’s Curry Simmer Sauce and Thai Green Curry.”
We still don’t know how he did it without opposable thumbs.
Our devoted lab decided to mark the entire dining room in one fell “swoop”.
I ‘tryed’ to write my name in pee on the dining room carpet. I am not sorry.
PS Written by Nate, age 8
My name is Ruby. My owners walk me every morning, then I come in and poop on the living room floor in the same spot. As soon as my owners notice I drop to the ground and roll over so they can’t stay mad at me.
I only chase the goats a little. Soon they will grow big and have horns as weapons.
We ate the nose off of a rubber ducky. (That wasn’t a dog toy)
This is my cousin’s dog, Sam. He has a bad habit of licking himself raw and has to wear this cone to curb his behaviour.