Cleo met her first skunk today at the dog park!
Cleo Met Her First Skunk Today At The Dog Park

Cleo met her first skunk today at the dog park!
I spontaneously drop to the floor and play dead even when no one has told me to because I am hoping for treats. I am very dramatic and very greedy. -Charlie
SUSHI…. It’s what’s for dinner.
I steal his Pop Tart EVERY MORNING!
When i get told off i look like dobby!
I ate all the Halloween candy because I don’t like to share – Sabo
Two hours for human to install the sprinkler, 3 minutes for Miso to remove it.
I swear I thought it was just a fart!
Of course the discontinued shoes I like the best!
This is Beans. These were my glasses. No Shame.