Miracle waits till momma is fresh out of the shower to sit and fart on her feet while she dries her hair.
Posts Tagged: Labrador Retriever
Stilettos are tasty!
I ate my Mom’s brand new stilettos before she even had the chance to wear them. Then I hid under the bed with the cats.
Molly eats electrics
We saved Molly from a kill shelter 3 weeks ago. She’s proving she’s thankful in the wrong ways. In the last 4 days she’s also eaten a crayon, a pencil, and a whole lot of gross bathroom trash.
Been there, done that. Ate the t-shirt.
Iris has eaten clothing, nipped the bulbs off Christmas lights, stolen expensive cheese, hoarded kitchen knives, hidden my car keys, torn siding off the house, thrown up on a repairman’s shoes, and pooped out clothing and Play-doh. Now, at 13, she just likes to tell her war stories to anyone who will listen.
It wasn’t just this brand either. When we tried a sample of another brand on her, in an attempt to find something that would discourage her chewing on our walls, she licked it off our fingers, sat down and begged for more.
Egg-stremely Sneaky Pups
We pushed a new batch of eggs off the table and ate the yolk.
Making mummy’s life hard
I killed the stick ALL over the carpet
Shark Attack Maddy
Maddy plays shark…barbie is the victim.
Guilty Charlie!
“My daddy’s socks have been slowly disappearing… Mommy found this sock in my bed and confronted me about it. I was so ashamed at being caught that I couldn’t look at her.” Poor Charlie knew he had done wrong!
Landscaping By Jackson
My neighbor played this small tree in his front yard – Jackson liked the way it tasted!!!