“I’ve been at my new home 2 days and I already destroyed my sister’s favorite toy”
welcome home gift

“I’ve been at my new home 2 days and I already destroyed my sister’s favorite toy”
It’s soft as a bunch of white, fluffy kittens. How could I resist?
This is Gracie. She’s a sweetheart, but has a weakness for used K-cups left on the kitchen counter.
We live next door to a church. It’s bad enough that Ruby will bark at some people from time to time but little old ladies with walkers? Come on girl! You have to be kidding me!
Totally not my fault. I only have one eye and I can’t see out of it. I accidently bumped into the trash can and it exploded.
I got all rambunctious running around, tried to do a lap on the couch, and hip checked the wall. Was that wrong?
I ate my moms new winter coat.
I just ate 3 rolls of Tums. I won’t be getting heartburn, or osteoporosis. EVER.
Banjo has what the vet calls an “iron gut”. We do the best we can to keep things cleaned up, but Banjo has no problems cleaning plates on the table or pans on the stove. He especially likes “emptying” the trash.
Buster likes couches. And garbage. And kitty poop. And hangers. And books. And toilet paper. A lot of toilet paper. And tampons. Sir Mix-a-Lot would be proud…..
Mr. Butters ate the remote because mom left him alone for ten minutes!