I knew it was going to be bad when I was walking up the back steps and there was one shoe and a bottle of light corn syrup.
Innocent till proven guilty

I knew it was going to be bad when I was walking up the back steps and there was one shoe and a bottle of light corn syrup.
I love to grab my (human) brothers socks and let mom chase me to get it back. It’s fun but tonight she was on to my game and almost caught me too quick, I didn’t want to stop playing and I didn’t want her to take MY sock so I swallowed it whole. Peroxide and sock second time around does not taste good and isn’t fun either. (FYI folks, my mommy talked to my vet before giving the peroxide so it was fine)
Jessie is a 15 month old black lab who (along with her nearly 4 year old, chocolate lab mother, Jeter) recently received full access to the house while I am away.
The cat is ALPHA. I am a WIMP.
I bite packages when the UPS man drops them over the fence
I stole a can of cheese soup off the counter, bit into the can and sucked all the cheese out like a vampire. Mom found it under the coffee table when she got home. It tasted Gooood 😉
I throw toys to myself and end up through the wall in the process 🙁
I like baby food.
My Goldens always smile especially when they are bad.
One chews everything and the other digs everywhere.
Frisco is a yellow lab who eats everything. Today it was the garbage. It was an unfortunate site after work but at least it wasn’t as bad as when he ate a bag of flour…