While I was out of the car for less than 10 seconds to mail a letter, Cooper locked me out of the car and then ate my carryout Chinese food and pizza while I was trying to call locksmith. My phone was locked in the car too, so the horrified ladies at the bakery across the street made the call!
Posts Tagged: Labrador Retriever
Sleeping beauty
I took Guapa for a long walk so she could have a good run. She had regular pauses by rolling in dirt and poo. Oh and she loves eating it too! Which caused her to smell quite badly, continuously..
Penny on the loose!
She doesn’t go far, but she doesn’t come back for awhile either
Oscar’s Shame
I turned the stove on while no one was home trying to eat leftover pizza and almost burned the house down 🙁
Found it!
I was looking for my sock earlier, but couldn’t find it. Later, when I was taking Ranger to his dog training class, he regurgitated the sock onto the passenger seat of my car. How helpful.
Gave Mom a black eye
I was in bed and my dog decided to wake me up by punching me in the face with her nails. I am on blood thinners, so now I have a black eye.
Olivia claiming the bed!
Olivia loves our bed. But her favorite is to wait until I make up the bed, then she comes in and “fluffs” the pillows and blankets and makes herself at home!!!!
Presley’s Walkabout
This is our Southern rescue mutt, Presley. She scared the bejesus out of everyone when she ran merrily off into the woods. She was finally found six hours later, three towns away from where she’d started, wandering around an office park. She was excited to see us but was otherwise completely unrepentant. And she smelled terrible.
I don’t even hide it anymore
I used to jump off the couch when my parents came in the room… I’m too comfy to care anymore
Queen of the stink
This is my dog Sidney. She has absolutely NO shame when it comes to farting. If she could talk, she would probably say that clearing out the room, even the house, because of her farts is her favorite pastime.