When Wheel of Fortune is on, I bark EVERY TIME someone gets a letter because I think it’s the doorbell.
– Bailey
Wheel of Fortune

When Wheel of Fortune is on, I bark EVERY TIME someone gets a letter because I think it’s the doorbell.
– Bailey
I like to eat rugs when I am not getting enough attention! Sorry mom it was good!… This was the 5th rug he ate and all happened when we were home Just in different rooms!
Levee just never seems to get enough out of digging in the garbage can.
Our new adoptee has one peculiar habit that takes a little getting used to…..
It wasn’t the Dingo who ate Olly’s baby……
Astral is a Labrador who’s getting a bit old in her years, these days she even has trouble getting in and out of the car. So we foolishly thought it would be safe to leave two half-finished boxes of pizza on the kitchen bench over night.
Consider this a lesson learnt, never underestimate the cunning hunger of a Labrador.
This is what happens if my family leaves the trash in the house
I’m Mosey the 11-yr-old Chocolate Lab. My mom came home and started unzipping me from my kennel, but I was so excited to see her I got my head stuck before she could unzip the door all the way. I’m very well behaved when my family is around but I have to stay in my kennel when they go out because I’m naughty when I’m home alone.
I’m a guide dog in training. If I don’t want to go somewhere I just lie down.
I love spaghetti just as much as my owner.