I just changed my daughter’s diaper and then we laid down to nap. A couple of hours later we woke up to Tuck following us guiltily around the house. Shortly after, we discover the reminisce of her poopy diaper on the floor in her room. I look over at our dog, Tuck, and he is cowered down licking his lips.. GROSS!!!
This is my 2 year old baby Deuce. He is a Black Lab/Weimaraner mix who has a mischievous side…he had eaten a large hole in our laundry room wall and as soon as the new plaster had set and was ready to be smoothed and painted, he ate another hole. We have since installed half wall paneling in the laundry room and he has yet to eat any big holes anywhere else, though he has left small teeth/claw marks and goopy slobber in the hallway. Other favourite pastimes include: chewing up socks, licking the cat backwards (which she oddly loves!) leaving her with a crusty Mohawk type hairdo, and waking me up by breathing hot breath directly in my face. <3 I love my Deucey!
I ate sequins from the toddler’s art project. Now, my poop is bedazzled.
Moose loves to get involved in our crafts, mostly by taste-testing the supplies.
My son forgot to take Buddy, the black lab, out for his potty break so Buddy punished him by peeing all over his school backpack. They are both very ashamed!
Zoi knocked over a new bag of yarn, found the most expensive skein, and ran through the house with it. Leaving a mess of tangles in her wake, she was found licking it on the couch. (**Please note: Zoi did not ingest any of the yarn and my stash has been moved to a higher place where inquisitive pups cannot reach.)