Instead of going out to do his business in the field at work, Winston decided that he wanted to claim my Boss’ Escalade for his own.
Escalade Escapade

Instead of going out to do his business in the field at work, Winston decided that he wanted to claim my Boss’ Escalade for his own.
I ate my friend Sophie’s winter booties right off her paws. Dad and mom made me barf… sick but, #notashamed
I came home to find my lovely yellow lab grabbed my FIRST positive pregnancy test off of the bathroom counter and chewed it into pieces. He was pretty proud of himself, and made it clear he wants to be an only child.
“I refuse to play with my toys and prefer to dig up Mom’s shag carpet when she’s not home.”
There’s now a bald spot in the carpeting. A rather noteworthy one at that. Despite my best efforts to conceal and protect the offending area, Lucy continues to attack the most vulnerable portion of the rug. Her stuffed squirrel, however, remains unscathed…a mere witness to the crime.
This is the third doggy bed daddy has brought home and this is the third doggy bed Ellie has destroyed in a matter of 4 months of being home!!!
I ate an entire Panera Holiday Bread.
Archer the Labrador
“I’m scared of everything! Including this sign! :-(“
We came home to the ultimate dog shaming revenge, our lab chewed up the “dog shaming” calendar we just bought for a Christmas present. It seemed to be his stance on dog shaming.
“editor’s note: You can purchase this wonderful calendar here!“
Charlie can’t hold his licker!
The sad part is that the kitten was on the other side of a screen door. It just hissed and clawed at the screen, and Steinbeck fell down and started crying. He was traumatized for a day. Not a scratch on him…